
目前顯示的是 4月, 2009的文章


微軟提供的免費軟體包括了.NET平台開發工具Visual Studio 2008專業版、Visual Studio 2005專業版、XNA Game Studio 2.0,和12個月免費的XNA Creators Club資格;設計工具則有Expression Studio(含Expression Web、Expression Blend、Expression Design、Expression Media);以及平台工具SQL Server 2005開發者版、Windows Server標準版等。  不過,微軟指出,DreamSpark計劃只針對學生免費,而不能用於商業用途,因此,微軟正與全球各地的學術機構、政府部門以及學生協會合作,以確保各地的學生身份認證技術。 https://www.dreamspark.com/Default.aspx

HyperTerminal and Server 2008

Microsoft chose not to include HyperTerminal in the Server2008 operating system. For most users it is probably no big deal and hasn’t been a problem for me up until now. I am getting more involved in router configuration and run Windows Vista on my workstation at ClearPointe. I did a quick search on the Internet and discovered that there are several free applications available for download to overcome Server2008’s lack of HyperTerminal. However, I also discovered that HyperTerminal can be ported from a computer running Windows XP. Here are the steps: Map a drive between your Windows XP computer and your Windows Server2008 computer. 1.On the Windows XP box, navigate to C:\Program Files\Windows NT and copy hypertrm.exe. 2.Paste hypertrm.exe in the C:\Program Files\Windows NT directory on the Server2008 machine. 3.Back on the Windows XP computer, navigate to C:\WINDOWS\System32 and copy hypertrm.dll. 4.Paste hypertrm.dll in the C:\Windows\System32 directory on the Server2008 box.

Spb Mobile Shell


SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 現在已可供使用。您可以使用這些套件升級下列任何一種 SQL Server 2008 版本。注意:我們致力於維持包含 Service Pack 的計畫,僅著重在必要的更新,主要是累計更新 1 至 3 的彙總套件、Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) 更新以及透過 SQL Server 社群回報的問題修正。雖然維持包含產品變更,我們作了重大的投資以簡化開發及管理 Service Pack。 1 匯集 – 現在您可以整合基底安裝與 Service Pack (或 Hotfix) 並且以單一步驟安裝。 2 Service Pack 解除安裝 – 現在您可以僅解除安裝 Service Pack (不需要移除整個執行個體) 3 報表產生器 2.0 Click Once 功能 https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=zh-tw&FamilyID=66ab3dbb-bf3e-4f46-9559-ccc6a4f9dc19

20th MobileMonday Taipei - Windows shopping: the future of Windows Marketplace for Mobile.

Microsoft plans to launch an App Store that lets Windows Mobile users find, purchase, and download programs directly from the phones. It’ll work much like the iPhone App Store and the upcoming BlackBerry App World. Microsoft will take a 30% cut on the sales of any paid applications. That’s the same fee that Apple charges, although Research in Motion keeps just 20%. Although Windows Marketplace will only works for Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Mobile 7, and it will be launched later this year. It seems that because of the success of iPhone and its app store, everyone is trying to doing the same thing, could this marketplace be the answer for Windows to gain more market share in the smartphone operating systems? As for developers, what are their thoughts about this new change? This month’s MobileMonday Taipei, we invite some MVP (most valued professional) of windows mobile application development to share with us their experiences in developing windows mobile application and what they t...

BlackBerry 開發者論壇

醫護人員可不可能運用手機應用,提昇醫護效率? 經理人除了隨時收發郵件,還需要什麼手機服務? Research In Motion (RIM) 首次於台灣舉辦的開發者論壇,邀請開發者深入了解BlackBerry技術平台,讓你不但可開發一般消費者使用的有趣服務,還有機會運用BlackBerry為企業量身打造的技術平台,開發出專業的企業服務。當日還有BlackBerry Bold手機的抽獎活動喔! 主辦單位:Research In Motion 承辦單位:Chili Consulting 經世顧問股份有限公司 議程: 13:50 – 14:20 報到 14:20 – 14:30 開幕 14:30 – 15:00 BlackBerry 應用服務介紹(講者:陳健基) 15:00 – 15:20 休息(敬備茶點) 15:20 – 15:50 BlackBerry 企業伺服器技術(講者:鍾欣鳴) 15:50 – 16:50 BlackBerry應用程序開發入門(講者:林瑋) 16:50 – 17:10 Q & A 17:10 – 17:15 抽獎(BlackBerry Bold手機一支) 場地:中國文化大學推廣教育部建國本部大夏館 B1國際會議廳 地址:台北市建國南路二段231號 http://registrano.com/events/blackberry2009-taipei


gpedit.msc-----本機群組原則 nslookup-------IP位址偵測器 explorer-------開啟檔案總管 logoff---------登出指令 tsshutdn-------60秒倒計時關機指令 lusrmgr.msc----本機使用者及群組 notepad--------開啟記事本 cleanmgr-------磁碟清理 net start messenger----開始net send 服務 compmgmt.msc---電腦管理 net stop messenger-----停止net send 服務 dvdplay--------呼叫Microsoft Media Player charmap--------啟動字元對應表 calc-----------啟動計算機 dfrg.msc-------磁碟重組工具 chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁牒檢查 devmgmt.msc--- 裝置管理員 srononce -p ----15秒關機 dxdiag---------檢查DirectX資訊 regedt32-------註冊表編輯器 rsop.msc-------群組原則結果集 mem.exe--------顯示記憶體使用情況 regedit.exe----註冊表 perfmon.msc----電腦效能監測程序 winver---------檢查Windows版本 sfc /scannow-----掃瞄錯誤並復原 taskmgr-----工作管理器(2000/xp/2003) eventvwr.msc------------事件檢視器 secpol.msc----------------本機安全性設定 rsop.msc------------------原則的結果集 ntbackup----------------啟動製作備份還原嚮導 mstsc-----------遠端桌面 winver---------檢查Windows版本 wmimgmt.msc----開啟windows管理體系結構(WMI) wupdmgr--------windows更新程序 wscript--------windows指令碼宿主設定 write----------呼叫WordPad winmsd---------系統資訊 mem.exe----...

如何修改 ActiveSync 以自動將裝置連線為 來賓,請避免建立新的合作關係

有時候,您可以建立在 Microsoft Windows CE 架構裝置] 與 [桌上型電腦是執行 ActiveSync,而不建立新的合作關係之間的 ActiveSync 連接。 您可以設定自動使用下列登錄機碼為 「 來賓連接裝置的 ActiveSync。 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]"GuestOnly"=dword:00000001

Code for Lock Computer

Process.Start("C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe", "user32.dll,LockWorkStation")

Draw Transparent Form Sample


用PC玩 Wii模擬器教學


Bluetooth on the emulator

Would you like to develop applications that bluetooth functionality on the Windows Mobile emulator? http://www.codeproject.com/KB/mobile/bth4devemul.aspx

stop a device suspending programatically

public class Power { private const string POWER_TIMEOUT = @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\Timeouts"; private const string POWER_STATE_SUSPEND = @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\State\Suspend"; [DllImport("CoreDll")] public static extern void SystemIdleTimerReset(); public static int PowerOffTime { set { RegistryKey rktimeout = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(POWER_TIMEOUT, true); if (rktimeout != null) { rktimeout.SetValue("ACSuspendTimeout", value, RegistryValueKind.DWord); rktimeout.SetValue("BattSuspendTimeout", value, RegistryValueKind.DWord); rktimeout.Close(); } ...

Switch ScreenPower

public class Screen { private const uint QUERYESCSUPPORT = 8; private const uint GETVFRAMEPHYSICAL = 6144; private const uint GETVFRAMELEN = 6145; private const uint DBGDRIVERSTAT = 6146; private const uint SETPOWERMANAGEMENT = 6147; private const uint GETPOWERMANAGEMENT = 6148; private const int SHFS_SHOWSTARTICON = 0x0010; private const int SHFS_HIDESTARTICON = 0x0020; public static void PowerOff() { IntPtr hdc = GetDC(IntPtr.Zero); uint size = 12; byte[] vpm = new byte[size]; BitConverter.GetBytes(size).CopyTo(vpm, 0); BitConverter.GetBytes(0x0001).CopyTo(vpm, 4); BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)ScreenPowerState.ScreenPowerOff).CopyTo(vpm, 8); ExtEscapeSet(hdc, SETPOWERMANAGEMENT, size, vpm, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public static v...

Calculates the GPS two point distances

public double GetDistance(double Lat1, double Long1, double Lat2, double Long2) { double Lat1r = ConvertDegreeToRadians(Lat1); double Lat2r = ConvertDegreeToRadians(Lat2); double Long1r = ConvertDegreeToRadians(Long1); double Long2r = ConvertDegreeToRadians(Long2); double R = 6371; // Earth's radius (km) double d = Math.Acos(Math.Sin(Lat1r) * Math.Sin(Lat2r) + Math.Cos(Lat1r) * Math.Cos(Lat2r) * Math.Cos(Long2r-Long1r)) * R; return d; } private double ConvertDegreeToRadians(double degrees) { return (Math.PI/180)*degrees;}

Showing Control Panel applets programmatically

private void ShowApplet(AppletType applet) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = "ctlpnl.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = String.Format("cplmain.cpl,{0}", (int)applet); Process.Start(startInfo); } public enum AppletType { Contrast, Password, OwnerInformation, Power, Memory, About, Backlight, AlignScreen, InputMethod, SoundsReminders, RemovePrograms, Menus, Buttons, TodaySettings, PCConnections, ModemConnections, Clock, NetworkConnections, RegionalSettings }