
目前顯示的是 2010的文章

Windows Phone 7 瓦斯外洩


Windows Phone 7 控制家電


Windows Phone 7 智慧型手機應用程式開發總覽


Intro to C# from Objective-C and Java Article.


Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel

好用又不用安裝的虛擬光碟機微軟牌 1.解開檔案,把 VCdRom.sys 複製到系統目錄---windows/system32/drivers目錄下 2.執行 VCdControlTool.exe 3.按 "Driver Control" 4.按 "Install Driver",到 windows/system32/drivers 裡選擇 VCdRom.sys 5.按 "Start",再按 "OK" 6.按 "Add Driver" 就能添加一個光碟機;再按一下又會出現第二個虛擬光碟,以此類推(磁碟代號往往是Z、Y、X...倒著設定) 7.點選一個光碟機,按下 "Mount" 選擇要放入的虛擬光碟檔,確定後即可運行! 移除只要點選虛擬碟機,按 "移除光碟" 就可以了 http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/6/7b6abd84-7841-4978-96f5-bd58df02efa2/winxpvirtualcdcontrolpanel_21.exe

Age of Empires Online

In this approachable online real-time strategy game, you will create, command, and control your own constantly evolving empire as you gather forces to either conquer or cooperate with neighboring civilizations. Whether you're conquering enemy civilizations, teaming up with your neighbors to beat back the barbarian hordes, or building a thriving economy where your citizens live in the lap of luxury, you’ll be the guiding spirit in the evolution of an ancient civilization. http://www.ageofempiresonline.com/beta/

The Maple

■Microcontroller: STM32 F103RB ■Clock Speed: 72 MHz ■Operating Voltage: 3.3V ■Input Voltage (recommended): 3.0V-12V ■Digital I/O Pins: 39 ■Analog Input Pins: 16 ■Flash Memory: 128 KB ■SRAM: 20KB ■64 Channel nested vector interrupt handler (including external interrupt on GPIO’s) ■Integrated SPI/I2C and 7 Channels of Direct Memory Access (DMA) ■Supplies up to 800mA @ 3.3v ■Support for low power and sleep modes (<500uA) ■Dimensions: 2.05″x2.1″   http://leaflabs.com/devices/maple/


1. 蘋果 (574億美元):絲毫不受iPhone 4天線事件影響 2. 微軟 (566億美元):營利表現依然優於蘋果和Google 3. 可口可樂 (554億美元):去年一整年賣出124億箱飲料 4. IBM (430億美元):連續17年在美國擁有技術專利最多 5. Google (397億美元):2005年,Google品牌價值為87億美元,5年內成長超過350% 6. 麥當勞 (359億美元):總計在全球每天要服務6千萬名顧客 7. 奇異GE (337億美元):過去十年市值減少3,500億美元,品牌價值也相對下降 8. 萬寶路Marlboro (291億美元):美國市占率為42.8%,超過追隨在後的12家煙草品牌市占率總和 9. 英特爾Intel (286億美元):受益於企業市場需求強勁復甦,第二季收益創下42年來的歷史新高 10. 諾基亞NOKIA (274億美元):每年花費80億美元用於研究發展的手機巨頭資料來源   http://www.bnext.com.tw/article/view/cid/55/id/15699


Netduino is an open source electronics platform using the .NET Micro Framework. Featuring a 32-bit microcontroller and a rich development environment. Suitable for engineers and hobbyists alike. http://www.netduino.com/

Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta

The same powerful and easy to use Visual Studio integrated developer environment (IDE) handles design and testing of Windows Phone 7 phone applications. Developer Tools

SQL Server Compact 4.0

SQL Server Compact 4.0 CTP1 is the first CTP of the next generation of embedded databases from Microsoft. Besides enhancing the existing scenarios, SQL Server Compact 4.0 enables a new scenario whereby it can be used as a database for starter ASP.NET websites. SQL Server Compact supports simple deployment and can be xcopy deployed in the website’s bin folder. Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Community Technology Preview for Windows Desktop Introducing SQL Server Compact 4.0, the Next Gen Embedded Database from Microsoft


1H=60m 1m=60s 1s=1000ms 1ms=1000μs 1μs=1000ns H(時) m(分) s(秒) ms(毫秒) μs(微秒) ns(纳秒)

Microsoft® Surface® Bluetooth Connect Code Sample

This code sample can help to develop Microsoft® Surface® applications that can send content to Bluetooth equipped mobile devices that utilize the Object Exchange Protocol (OBEX) – without the need for a client-side application. http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/surfacebluetooth/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=4535

DOS 命令速查

ASSOC 顯示或修改副檔名的關聯 ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] .ext 指定副檔名,使檔案類型與 fileType 產生關聯 指定檔案類型,以便和副檔名產生關聯。 鍵入 ASSOC 並且不加任何的參數,以顯示目前的檔案關聯性。如果 ASSOC 只呼叫一個副檔名,它將會顯示該副檔名目前的檔案關聯性。 如果不指定檔案類型,命令便會將副檔名的關聯性刪除。 AT AT 命令排定某些命令或程式在某個特定的日期和時間,在電腦上執行。 執行 AT 命令之前必須先啟動 Schedule 服務。 AT [\\computername] [ [id] [/DELETE] | /DELETE [/YES]] AT [\\computername] time [/INTERACTIVE] [ /EVERY:date[,...] | /NEXT:date[,...]] "command" \\computername 指定遠端電腦。 如果省略這個參數,命令會被排定在本機上執行。 id 指定給排定時程命令的識別碼。 /delete 刪除某個已排程的命令。如果省略 id,所有電腦上已排程的 命令都會被刪除。 /yes 用於刪除所有已排程的工作,且不想在執行刪除時顯示確認訊息 使用。 time ...

Windows Embedded Handheld


WinCE API List

1. API之網路函數 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WNetAddConnection 創建同一個網路資源的永久性連接 WNetAddConnection2 創建同一個網路資源的連接 WNetAddConnection3 創建同一個網路資源的連接 WNetCancelConnection 結束一個網路連接 WNetCancelConnection2 結束一個網路連接 WNetCloseEnum 結束一次枚舉操作 WNetConnectionDialog 啟動一個標準對話方塊,以便建立同網路資源的連接 WNetDisconnectDialog 啟動一個標準對話方塊,以便斷開同網路資源的連接 WNetEnumResource 枚舉網路資源 WNetGetConnection 獲取本地或已連接的一個資源的網路名稱 WNetGetLastError 獲取網路錯誤的擴展錯誤資訊 WNetGetUniversalName 獲取網路中一個檔的遠端名稱以及/或者UNC(統一命名規範)名稱 WNetGetUser 獲取一個網路資源用以連接的名字 WNetOpenEnum 啟動對網路資源進行枚舉的過程 2. API之消息函數 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BroadcastSystemMessage 將一條系統消息廣播給系統中所有的頂級視窗 GetMessagePos 取得訊息佇列中上一條消息處理完畢時的滑鼠指標螢幕位置 GetMessageTime 取得訊息佇列中上一條消息處理完畢時的時間 PostMessage 將一條消息投遞到指定視窗的訊息佇列 PostThreadMessage 將一條消息投遞給應用程式 RegisterWindowMessage 獲取分配給一個字串識別字的消息編號 ReplyMessage 答覆一個消息 SendMessage 調用一個視窗的視窗函數,將一條消息發給那個視窗 SendMessageCallback 將一條消息發給視窗 SendMessageTime...

SQL 登入觸發程序

使用登入觸發程序稽核和控制伺服器工作階段,例如追蹤登入活動、限制登入 SQL Server,或限制特定登入的工作階段數。例如,在下列程式碼中,如果登入 sa 已經建立三個使用者工作階段,登入觸發程序就會拒絕該登入對 SQL Server 所起始的登入嘗試。 CREATE TRIGGER connection_limit_trigger ON ALL SERVER WITH EXECUTE AS 'sa' FOR LOGON AS BEGIN IF ORIGINAL_LOGIN()= 'sa' AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions WHERE is_user_process = 1 AND original_login_name = 'login_test') > 3 ROLLBACK; END;

Windows Embedded Compact 7 CTP


SQLite in WP7 Application


Arduino Software development environment 0018


Visual Studio color schemes


Microsoft Office Mobile 2010 免費


SQL Server 2008 R2 Update for Developers Training Kit

SQL Server 2008 R2 offers an impressive array of capabilities for developers that build upon key innovations introduced in SQL Server 2008. The SQL Server 2008 R2 Update for Developers Training Kit is ideal for developers who want to understand how to take advantage of the key improvements introduced in SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 in their applications, as well as for developers who are new to SQL Server. The training kit is brought to you by Microsoft Developer and Platform Evangelism. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=FFFAAD6A-0153-4D41-B289-A3ED1D637C0D&displaylang=en

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit

C# 4 Visual Basic 10 F# Parallel Extensions Windows Communication Foundation Windows Workflow Windows Presentation Foundation ASP.NET 4 Windows 7 Entity Framework ADO.NET Data Services Managed Extensibility Framework Visual Studio Team System   http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=752CB725-969B-4732-A383-ED5740F02E93&displaylang=en

Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0

Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable application blocks designed to assist software developers with common enterprise development challenges. This release includes: Caching Block, Cryptography Block, Data Access Block, Exception Handling Block, Logging Block, Policy Injection Block, Security Block, Validation Block, and Unity. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=bcb166f7-dd16-448b-a152-9845760d9b4c&displaylang=en

強迫 PLINQ 採用平行處理


Configuring Guide for Mobility
