
目前顯示的是 2008的文章

Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Visual Studio 2008 Add-on for the Chart Controls http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=1D69CE13-E1E5-4315-825C-F14D33A303E9&displaylang=en samples Environment for Microsoft Chart Controls http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/mschart

SQL 欄位若有中文排序語法

SELECT * FROM [TableName] ORDER BY [FieldName] COLLATE Chinese_PRC_Stroke_ci_as

Azure™ 服務平台

開發人員可以開始使用 Microsoft® .NET Framework 及 Microsoft Visual Studio® 撰寫在 Windows Azure 執行的應用程式。撰寫web或行動裝置應用程式或打造 web 服務。未來 Azure 平台將會同時支援微軟及非微軟的程式語言及開發環境。 一旦完成編輯應用程式,可將其部署至雲端及在 Windows Azure 執行,一般使用者即可透過網際網路使用這些程式。運算能力可依網路流量而動態提升或降低。 http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/azure/default.htm

Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface是一個由微軟所開發,結合硬體與軟體的新技術,用家可以直接用手或聲音對屏幕作出指令,毋須再依賴會令手部勞損的滑鼠與鍵盤。 Microsoft Surface基於Windows Vista平台,使用WPF進行開發。 微軟大型觸控電腦計畫Surface浮出檯面 這款外型像咖啡桌的大型觸控式電腦未來可望出現在餐廳、飯店、零售點,或賭場等生活中的各種不同場合。 微軟五年前原本代號為「米蘭」(Milan)的秘密計畫,在週一(5/29)終於浮出檯面,以「檯面電腦」(surface computer)之名問世。這款外型像咖啡桌的大型觸控式電腦未來可望出現在餐廳、飯店、零售點,或賭場等生活中的各種不同場合。 微軟執行長Steve Ballmer在華爾街日報的D: All Things Digital會議上宣布Microsoft Surface的問世,預計在今年年底之前,Surface將開始出現在飯店、自助餐廳,及公共娛樂場所。 Ballmer表示,Surface創造一個更為直覺的人類與技術互動方式。「我們看到了數十億美元的商機,已經看到Surface電腦技術無所不在的未來──從桌面上及櫃台,到玄觀的鏡子上。」 微軟勾勒Surface電腦的可能應用指出,想像你只要在螢幕上手指動一動,就可以點飲料,或是點歌。將來消費者在Surface上點了一杯葡萄酒,餐廳也可即時提供關於這杯酒的資訊,如產地的照片,以及適合搭配的菜單。 Surface強調使用更為直覺,不需使用任何滑鼠及鍵盤。搭配30吋的大型顯示器,其機構(form factor)外型很像張桌子,可以同時讓很多人在上面觸控操作。 Surface與一般觸控式電腦最大不同在於提供了多重觸控(multi-touch)功能,可以同時辨識多點的觸控資訊,可讓多人(multi-user)同時使用一台Surface電腦。物體辨識(Object recognition)功能則讓放在Surface上的不同物體,可以啟動不同類型的數位反應。 微軟並公布首批採用Surface的客戶,包括全球最大的博奕娛樂集團Harrah』s Entertainment Inc.,喜達屋酒店及度假村集團(Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.),及美國的T-Mobile。微軟表示,出貨給合作夥...

Mobile get SIM Card ID

const int EF_ICCID = 0x2FE2; const int SIM_RECORDTYPE_TRANSPARENT = 0x1; [DllImport("cellcore.dll")] static extern int SimInitialize( uint dwFlags, IntPtr lpfnCallback, uint dwParam, ref IntPtr lphSim); [DllImport("cellcore.dll")] static extern int SimDeinitialize(IntPtr hSim); [DllImport("cellcore.dll")] static extern int SimReadRecord( IntPtr hSim, uint dwAddress, uint dwRecordType, uint dwIndex, byte[] lpData, uint dwBufferSize, ref int dwSize); ___________________________________________________ IntPtr hSim = IntPtr.Zero; byte[] iccid = new byte[10]; int zero = 0; SimInitialize(0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref hSim); SimReadRecord(hSim, EF_ICCID, SIM_RECORDTYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0, iccid, (uint)iccid.Length,...

收到簡訊時,螢幕自動Wake up

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL] "DisableSMSWakeUpEvent"=dword:0


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Phone] "ShowSIM"=dword:0

Available in Skype 2.5 Beta for Windows Mobile


Multiline Button

private const int BS_MULTILINE = 0x00002000; private const int GWL_STYLE = -16; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("coredll")] private static extern int GetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("coredll")] private static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong); public static void MakeButtonMultiline(Button b) { IntPtr hwnd = b.Handle; int currentStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); int newStyle = SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, currentStyle | BS_MULTILINE); }

Disable Windows Mobile 6.1 Threaded SMS View

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Setting s\OEM\SMSInboxThreadingDisabledyou need to create OEM key in Settings and create a DWORD SMSInboxThreadingDisabled and set it to 1 reset the device and you are now back to normal SMSs.

Live Mesh for Mobile available

Download is : https://www.mesh.com/install/wm6/LiveMesh.cab

Windows mobile Get CellID

public partial class Form1 : Form { public delegate void RILRESULTCALLBACK(int dwCode, IntPtr hrCmdID, IntPtr lpData, int cbData, int dwParam); public delegate void RILNOTIFYCALLBACK(int dwCode, IntPtr lpData, int cbData, int dwParam); public static IntPtr hRil; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] class RILADDRESS { [FieldOffset(0)] public uint dwSize; [FieldOffset(4)] public uint dwParams; [FieldOffset(8)] public uint dwType; [FieldOffset(12)] public uint dwNumPlan; [FieldOffset(16)] public byte[] sAddress = new byte[256 * 2]; //[FieldOffset(528)] } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] class RILSUBADDRESS { [FieldOffset(0)] public uint dwSize; [FieldOffset(4)] public uint dwParams; [FieldOffset(8)] publ...



Tiesto presents Alone In The Dark - Edward Carnby Promo CDS 2008

Artist: Tiesto presents Alone In The Dark Title: Edward Carnby Genre: Trance Label: MaelstromCat. Number: n/a Source: CD Single Quality: 195 Kbps avg / 44.1kHz / Full Stereo Release Date: 31-10-2008

SQL Server Compact DLL

sqlceca35.dll SQL Server Compact的用戶端代理,用戶端代理與服務端代理進行通信,實現RDA和Merge Replication資料同步。 sqlcecompact35.dll SQL Server Compact資料庫修復工具。 sqlceer35EN.dll SQL Server Compact本機錯誤資訊的字串資源和其他資源。 sqlceme35.dll 針對託管代碼訪問的擴展。 sqlceoledb35.dll OLEDB訪問方式的資料庫提供程式。 sqlceqp35.dll SQL查詢處理器。 sqlcese35.dll SQL Server Compact存儲引擎。 System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll .NET Compact Framework訪問的資料庫提供程式。 System.Data.SqlServerCe.Entity.dll 支持ADO.NET Entity Framework。

Windows Mobile 6.5 screenshots


QR-Code Generator


Windows Mobile 6.1.4 Emulator Images

Overview The Windows Mobile 6.1.4 Emulator Images package adds emulator images to Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 that let you test applications for Windows Mobile 6.1.4, including Internet Explorer Mobile 6. For general information about writing software for Windows Mobile, please see the Windows Mobile Developer Center .The emulator images can also be used as standalone without Visual Studio. They can be accessed through the Start Menu shortcuts. Available locale:0409 USA EnglishInternet Explorer Mobile 6Windows Mobile 6.1.4 includes the new Internet Explorer Mobile 6, a full-featured browser for Windows Mobile devices that brings the same high-quality browsing experience to the user as desktop browsers. Internet Explorer Mobile 6 supports desktop-quality rendering and has the best compliance support of all versions of Internet Explorer on a Windows Mobile device to date. Several new features and improved support allows users to complete tasks quickly and easily.New emulato...

New Mobility Center on MSDN

Windows Mobile lets you reuse your existing Visual Studio and .NET development skills and server infrastructure to extend your applications to mobile devices and give users new experiences and solve new business problems. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsmobile/default.aspx

Visual Studio 2010 CTP

System Requirements Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP Minimum 75 GB available HDD space The host computer must have a minimum of 2 GB RAM, with 1 GB allocated to the host operating system and 1 GB allocated to the VPC. We recommend that the host computer CPU be at least a Core Duo 2 GHz processor. Service Pack 1 of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 is required to access the VPC. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=922b4655-93d0-4476-bda4-94cf5f8d4814&displaylang=en&tm

Marriage 媽媽禮服

來來綜藝禮服名店(高儷文) 台北市西寧南路36號二樓 23室 tel: 23113988 cell: 0933715716

Filling out InfoPath Forms on Windows Mobile Devices

I've gotten a lot of questions around Line of Business solutions that would allow our customers to fill out forms on mobile devices to collect data. While you could create a website, develop a form and connect it to a webservice that would collect the data Microsoft has a solution to do exactly that: InfoPath. Similar in functionality to how InfoPath Forms Services renders browser-enabled form templates in a typical desktop Web browser, InfoPath Forms Services also renders forms in browsers on handheld, or mobile, devices. Most mobile devices are supported, including PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), smart phones, and any device that supports a Web browser with HTML, cHTML and xHTML; WAP is not supported. There are, however, some key differences in how forms are rendered in a mobile browser and considerations to keep in mind when designing a form template for use on a mobile device. With Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 and access to a server running InfoPath Forms Services, you c...

System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008 - Helpful Links

I've been getting a lot of questions around features and links for Mobile Device Manager and Macro Nelson did a great job and I added a few links of my own. System Center Mobile Device Manager - Overview: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/mobiledevicemanager Microsoft System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008 Resource Kit - Best Practices Analyzer http://www.microsoft.com/DOWNLOADS/details.aspx?FamilyID=ec5eedea-7741-4d1b-aba8-a5181847fad3&displaylang=en System Center Mobile Device Manager Product Reference Guide http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/a/4/9a401fa2-4044-4550-af33-8821f826a708/MSCMDM_Product_Reference_Guide.pdf System Center Mobile Device Manager Demo http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/b/a/4bad1be6-ad64-413a-b251-7100b70b1eb6/CTIA_Wireless_Clip1_500K.wmv User Enrollment Demo http://blogs.technet.com/vik/pages/how-to-enroll-your-windows-mobile-standard-phone-with-mobile-device-manager.aspx System Center Mobile Device Manager Architecture Overview http...

Yahoo! Web Services and APIs

This site is your source for information about using the .NET Framework with Yahoo! Web Services and APIs. Here you'll find: HOWTO Articles to help you understand our technologies and how you can use them better with .NET. Download the sample browser, utility libraries and source code. Other Resources on the web where you can find source code and helpful tools. Community Resources where you can join our mailing list and discuss the Yahoo! APIs with us and with other .NET developers. http://developer.yahoo.com/dotnet/

Update for Windows Mobile (KB949168)

This is the Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows Mobile 6 (Pocket PC and Smartphone) update to address DST related issues in 2008 due to revised Daylight Saving Time laws in many countries. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=0D6FC192-3142-4473-B435-B514E4B360A5&displaylang=en

微軟Translator團隊推出了爲Windows Live Messenger設計的翻譯機器人

請加入翻譯機器人的帳號: mtbot@hotmail.com 輸入“TBot ?”即可對翻譯機器人進行功能設置 了解設定指令如下列敘述: tbot ?:顯示Tbot指令。 tbot lang:顯示目前的來源及目的語言。 tbot change:更改翻譯的來源及目的語言。 tbot stop:停止翻譯。 tobt start:啟動翻譯。 tobt set:設定偏好語言。 當一開始可先利用tbot set將偏好語言設定成繁體中文,tbot呈獻給您的訊息就會是繁體中文, 接著再以tbot change設定翻譯的來源(例如英文)和目的(例如繁體中文)。 另外,簡中和繁中也可以互翻真的很方便。

i908 Training



1. Pre-alpha : 試作中的版本,通常是只有完成重要功能 , 由於大部分的細部功能未完成,一般還不會release給QA部門做測試。 2. Alpha : 給開發人員以外的QA部門測試用,功能尚未完善,但已可滿足一般需求,有點像遊戲的封閉測試,此時根據初步的Spec所開發的功能大都已完成,有些公司會邀請一些客戶或合作夥伴參與測試,這階段通常會先用白箱測試,會設定測試的目標。 3. Beta : 對外開放測試的版本,通常還是會針對測試結果更改Spec或增加Feature,但功能大都已完成,目前大部分的web2.0網站都標榜為beta版本,來顯示其持續改善的決心,此階段的通常會用黑箱/灰箱測試。 4. RC (Release candidate) : 重大bug皆已清除的版本,通常已接近產品化版本,Feature已不再增加或更動。 5. GM(Golden Master) : 正式版本,即最後一版的RC版本。 6. RTM (release to manufacturing) : 出貨壓片的版本,Micorsoft給一般PC製造商的版本就叫RTM. 7. RTW (release to Web) : 線上發佈的正式版本。

IP 等級 ( 防水防塵 ) 定義

IP 等級系統提供了一個以電器設備和包裝的防塵、防水和防碰撞程度來對產品進行分類的方法,這個系統得到了多數歐洲國家的認可,並在 IEC 529 ( BS EN 60529: 1992 ) 外包裝保護等級 ( IP code ) 中宣佈。 保護等級多以 IP 後跟隨兩個數字來表述,數字用來明確保護的等級。 第一個數字表明設備抗微塵的範圍,或者人們在密封環境中免受危害的程度。 第二個數字表明設備防水的程度。

Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1

Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 繁體中文版的 ISO 檔 http://download.microsoft.com/download/b/c/b/bcbe329b-d7ad-47b2-b8ef-48b9ad3cbe67/VS2008SP1CHTX1512963.iso

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 1 for Windows Mobile

ADO.NET Entity Framework provider. The Entity Framework enables you to work with data in the form of domain-specific objects and properties, such as customers and customer addresses, without having to concern yourself with the underlying database tables and columns where this data is stored. Support for the ADO.NET Entity Framework allows you to create flexible, strongly typed queries against the Entity Framework object context by using LINQ expressions and the LINQ standard query operators directly from the development environment. Case-sensitive collations for those C# folks that were allowed into the database Native 64bit support. No more locking your apps to WoW mode or Target = X86. And yes, we support a single version of your app that can privately deploy Compact 32 and 64 so your customers don't have to figure out whether they're running 32 or 64bit operating systems. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=FCE9ABBF-F807-45D6-A457-AB5615001C8F&displ...

Windows Mobile API Usage Tool

The Windows Mobile API Usage Tool is a command-line utility that installs by default into the “Windows Mobile API Usage Tool” directory within the “Program Files” directory. The tool name is wmaut.exe, and when run without arguments or with incorrect arguments, a usage statement will be provided.The tool takes as arguments a series of options, an output database used for reporting, and either an application (in .cab or .msi format) or a directory containing applications. If the output database file provided does not exist it will be created. If the database file does exist, you must either provide the /resume or /overwrite option as appropriate.Additional advanced options are documented through the usage statement displayed by the tool.If you wish to share the database file generated by the tool with the Windows Mobile application compatibility team, please email the database file (or for larger reports, a link to the file) to wmaut@microsoft.com. If you wish, you may use the /anonymiz...

Skype 2.2 for Windows Mobile Premium



Dim MyTcpClient As New TcpClient() Dim MyResult As IAsyncResult = MyTcpClient.BeginConnect(YourTargetIP, YourTargetPort, Nothing, Nothing) MyResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(3000, True) '等三秒 If Not MyResult.IsCompleted Then MyTcpClient.Close() ElseIf MyTcpClient.Connected = True Then MyTcpClient.Close() End If


'建立 SmtpClient 物件 並設定 Gmail的smtp主機及Port Dim MySmtp As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com", 587) '設定你的帳號密碼 MySmtp.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("帳號", "密碼") 'Gmial 的 smtp 使用 SSL MySmtp.EnableSsl = True '發送Email MySmtp.Send("發送者 XXX@gmail.com >", "收件者 XXX@gmail.com >", "Gmail發信測試", "TEST")


Imports System Imports System.Text Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Class CitizenDigitalCertificateCardNoReader Public Structure SCARD_IO_REQUEST Public dwProtocol As Integer Public cbPciLength As Integer End Structure '引用 PC/SC(Personal Computer/Smart Card) API WinScard.dll _ Public Shared Function SCardEstablishContext(ByVal dwScope As UInteger, ByVal nNotUsed1 As Integer, ByVal nNotUsed2 As Integer, ByRef phContext As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SCardReleaseContext(ByVal phContext As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SCardConnect(ByVal hContext As Integer, ByVal cReaderName As String, ByVal dwShareMode As UInteger, ByVal dwPrefProtocol As UInteger, ByRef phCard As Integer, ByRef ActiveProtocol As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Sha...


Imports System Imports System.Text Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Class CitizenDigitalCertificateCardNoReader Public Structure SCARD_IO_REQUEST Public dwProtocol As Integer Public cbPciLength As Integer End Structure '引用 PC/SC(Personal Computer/Smart Card) API WinScard.dll _ Public Shared Function SCardEstablishContext(ByVal dwScope As UInteger, ByVal nNotUsed1 As Integer, ByVal nNotUsed2 As Integer, ByRef phContext As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SCardReleaseContext(ByVal phContext As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SCardConnect(ByVal hContext As Integer, ByVal cReaderName As String, ByVal dwShareMode As UInteger, ByVal dwPrefProtocol As UInteger, ByRef phCard As Integer, ByRef ActiveProtocol As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SCardDisconnect(ByVal hC...


Imports System Imports System.Text Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Class CitizenDigitalCertificateCardNoReader Public Structure SCARD_IO_REQUEST Public dwProtocol As Integer Public cbPciLength As Integer End Structure '引用 PC/SC(Personal Computer/Smart Card) API WinScard.dll _ Public Shared Function SCardEstablishContext(ByVal dwScope As UInteger, ByVal nNotUsed1 As Integer, ByVal nNotUsed2 As Integer, ByRef phContext As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SCardReleaseContext(ByVal phContext As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SCardConnect(ByVal hContext As Integer, ByVal cReaderName As String, ByVal dwShareMode As UInteger, ByVal dwPrefProtocol As UInteger, ByRef phCard As Integer, ByRef ActiveProtocol As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SCardDisconnect(ByVal hCard As Integer...

Windows Mobile Sales Training 6.1 & Asus P320發表

台北 5/26(一) 1:30pm~3:30pm 亞太會館 台北市信義區松高路68號(B1大觀宴會廳) 桃園 5/20(二) 1:30pm~3:30pm 古華花園飯店 桃園縣中壢市民權路398號(3F春風軒) 台中 5/21(三) 1:30pm~3:30pm 日華金典酒店 台中市西區健行路1049號(13F精英一廳)


中華電信為推動加值軟體之開發並帶動數位內容產業之發展,自2003年起舉辦本活動,期自競賽活動中,吸引大量電信加值服務人才關注,並投入電信加值軟體開發與應用,從而帶動數位內容產業之蓬勃發展 我這次教學場次是第二場台中及第三場高雄,聽說高雄人數破七十還要開二班喔。 http://telsoft.hinet.net/training.html

Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET

Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET v1.0 provides the ability to synchronize data from disparate sources. Rather than simply replicating a database and its schema, the Synchronization Services application programming interface (API) provides a set of components to synchronize data between data services and a local store. Applications are increasingly used on mobile clients, such as laptops and devices that do not have a consistent or reliable network connection to a central server. It is crucial for these applications to work against a local copy of data on the client. Equally important is the need to synchronize the local copy of the data with a central server when a network connection is available. The Synchronization Services API, which is modeled after the ADO.NET data access APIs, gives you an intuitive way to synchronize data. It makes building applications for occasionally connected environments a logical extension of building applications where you can count on a con...

What's new in the .NET Compact Framework 3.5

This talk gives a very good overview of some of the new Features of .NET Compact Framework 3.5 and has has also built some really short and crisp demos to explain these features very well.

The Team Blog for the Mobile Developer Group

Every Developer, Now a Mobile Developer! http://blogs.msdn.com/mobiledev/default.aspx

Tiësto announces release of new In Search Of Sunrise 7 Asia

In Search Of Sunrise 7 – Asia, which was mixed and recorded in Thailand, captures the peaceful and intensively passionate way of life together with the vigorous activity that Tiësto encountered during his tour through the region this spring. With past stops in Latin America, Los Angeles and last year's Ibiza, Tiësto shows that Asia gave him the inspiration to deliver a brand new, double disc mix compilation, which beautifully expresses what he experienced on his journeys.

Somewhere Inside Of Me

Artist: Allure Feat. Julie Thompson Title: Somewhere Inside Of Me Style: trance

HTC Diamond

It certainly seems like a good phone, judging from the specs. 2.8 inch VGA display (640×480 pixel resolution) Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional Quadband GSM/GPRS/Edge and UMTS/HSDPA Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.0 3.2megapixel camera with autofocus extra VGA camera in the front for video telephony QWERTY keyboard Qualcomm 528 Mhz CPU 4 GB of internal memory plus a MicroSD slot FM Radio Accelerometer sensor (like the iPhone’s)

References PInvoke Sample

PInvoke.net is primarily a wiki, allowing developers to find, edit and add PInvoke * signatures, user-defined types, and any other information related to calling Win32 and other unmanaged APIs from managed code (written in languages such as C# or VB.NET) http://www.pinvoke.net/index.aspx

Input method of Mobile Liu

http://cid-a9e0769a31b89710.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/%e5%85%ac%e9%96%8b/Pocket_liu.rar step1 liu.arm.cab and liuunicode.tab copy to windows folder step2 run liu.arm.cab step3 soft reset

Satellite image

URL : http://www.cwb.gov.tw/V5/observe/satellite/Data/s1p/s1p-2008-04-22-18.jpg Use JPG Replace URL word Day or Hour ,but limit 48 hour

Microsoft Student Day

地點:國立東華大學 時間:2008/4/23 pm 3:00-4:00 內容:Microsoft .NET 系統實作-Windows Mobile Developer http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/student/events/msp/

Determinging a SQL CE database version

internal enum SSCEVersion { Unknown, v3_1, v3_5 } internal static SSCEVersion GetDatabaseVersion(string path) { uint signature = 0; using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { stream.Seek(16, SeekOrigin.Begin); signature = reader.ReadUInt32(); } } switch (signature) { case 0x00357b9d: // 3.5 return SSCEVersion.v3_5; case 0x002dd714: // 3.1 return SSCEVersion.v3_1; default: return SSCEVersion.Unknown; } }

Mobile ResizeForm

Private realSize As Size _ Public Shared Function MoveWindow(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer, ByVal Repaint As Boolean) As IntPtr End Function _ Public Shared Function GetWindowLong(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal nItem As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Sub SetWindowLong(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal nItem As Integer, ByVal nValue As Integer) End Sub _ Public Shared Function GetCapture() As IntPtr End Function Public Const GWL_STYLE As Integer = -16 Public Const WS_CAPTION As Integer = &HC00000 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click realSize = New Size(224, 144) ResizeForm() End Sub Private Sub ResizeForm() Dim x, y As Integer x = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - realSize.Width) / 2 y = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - realSize.Height...

Windows Mobile 6 Localized Emulator Images

This package includes localized Windows Mobile 6 emulator images that can be used with Visual Studio to test applications on different localizations or simply as standalone emulators without Visual Studio. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=38C46AA8-1DD7-426F-A913-4F370A65A582&displaylang=en