Windows Mobile API Usage Tool
The Windows Mobile API Usage Tool is a command-line utility that installs by default into the “Windows Mobile API Usage Tool” directory within the “Program Files” directory. The tool name is wmaut.exe, and when run without arguments or with incorrect arguments, a usage statement will be provided.The tool takes as arguments a series of options, an output database used for reporting, and either an application (in .cab or .msi format) or a directory containing applications. If the output database file provided does not exist it will be created. If the database file does exist, you must either provide the /resume or /overwrite option as appropriate.Additional advanced options are documented through the usage statement displayed by the tool.If you wish to share the database file generated by the tool with the Windows Mobile application compatibility team, please email the database file (or for larger reports, a link to the file) to If you wish, you may use the /anonymize option to reduce the amount of application specific data (e.g. the application name) that is contained in the report(s). Use of the /anonymize option does not guarantee all application specific identifiable information will be removed.