
目前顯示的是 6月, 2009的文章

Palm Pre Mojo SDK Download

Download Link http://rapidshare.com/files/249167601/PalmSDK-Win-0.3.4.exe All-in-one package (PalmSDK + JavaSDK + VirtualBox) – 298.6MB http://www.filefactory.com/file/ag91ebg/n/palmpre_7z



Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.1

Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.1 makes it easier than ever to create great video games for Windows-based PCs, Xbox 360 consoles (with an active premium XNA Creators Club subscription), and Zune digital media players. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=80782277-d584-42d2-8024-893fcd9d3e82&displaylang=en

Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R2 released


Windows Mobile 手機加值軟體創意暨開發大賽

不管你是貌不驚人但創意驚人的點子王,還是武功高強的軟體程式開發人員,馬上參加 「 Windows Mobile 尋找行動應用智慧王 第一屆手機加值軟體創意暨開發大賽」,高額獎金及 HTC Touch Diamond2 等你來拿 ! 參與軟體程式開發之得獎作品還有機會於 Windows Marketplace for Mobile (Windows 手機線上軟體商店) 上架,在全球舞台發光! 1.創意點子王大賽 http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/promo/wmcontest/idea_note.aspx 2.軟體開發達人大賽 http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/promo/wmcontest/develop_note.aspx

USB 微波爐

Beanzawave是目前是世界上最小的攜帶式微波爐,高:7.4、寬:6.2、深:5.9英吋,而且是採用USB連接,只要插在筆記型電腦就可以啟用。 USB微波爐的設計,還只是原型機,由微波專家Gordon Andrews與Stephen Frazer,還有一位工業設計師Frazer共同研發,關鍵的突破是結合使用行動電話的無線電頻率GAMA Microwave,製造出微波的熱量,以後不只是一杯茶或咖啡,就算一個漢堡、餡餅、小披薩都可以透過迷你微波爐來快速加熱。

mini2440 for andriod

光碟片內容如下: 1. mini2440 之andriod移植手冊 2. mini2440 之andriod KERNEL 移植詳解 3.eclipse 4.android 應用程式設計 及 GUI 解說 售價:450

CEFileWiz for Windows Embedded CE

CEFileWiz is a PowerToy for Windows Embedded CE that makes it easy to create components that wrap files, folders, dependencies and registry settings. Creating a stand alone component can be completed in a few seconds CEFileWiz

Installing Windows Embedded CE 6.0

Steps: 1.Install Visual Studio 2005 2. Install Visual Studio 2005 SP1 3. Install Visual Studio 2005 SP1 for Vista 4. Install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (Eval link) 5. Install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 SP1 6. Install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2 7. Install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 cumulative product update package (through 12/31/2008) 8. Install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 monthly update package (Jan 2009) 9. Install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 monthly update package (Feb 2009) 10. Install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 monthly update package (Mar 2009) 11. Install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 monthly update package (Apr 2009)

Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit

The Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit adds documentation, sample code, header and library files, emulator images and tools to Visual Studio that let you build applications for Windows Mobile 6.5. This document contains important information about this package. For general information about writing software for Windows Mobile, please see the Windows Mobile Developer Center. The Windows Mobile 6 SDK must also be installed in order to use any of the Windows Mobile 6.5 Gesture API or samples. Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit comes with the following Emulator Images: Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit


前200名報到者還有送開發入門書一本喔! http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/promo/wmcontest/event/