
目前顯示的是 8月, 2010的文章

Windows Phone 7 智慧型手機應用程式開發總覽


Intro to C# from Objective-C and Java Article.


Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel

好用又不用安裝的虛擬光碟機微軟牌 1.解開檔案,把 VCdRom.sys 複製到系統目錄---windows/system32/drivers目錄下 2.執行 VCdControlTool.exe 3.按 "Driver Control" 4.按 "Install Driver",到 windows/system32/drivers 裡選擇 VCdRom.sys 5.按 "Start",再按 "OK" 6.按 "Add Driver" 就能添加一個光碟機;再按一下又會出現第二個虛擬光碟,以此類推(磁碟代號往往是Z、Y、X...倒著設定) 7.點選一個光碟機,按下 "Mount" 選擇要放入的虛擬光碟檔,確定後即可運行! 移除只要點選虛擬碟機,按 "移除光碟" 就可以了 http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/6/7b6abd84-7841-4978-96f5-bd58df02efa2/winxpvirtualcdcontrolpanel_21.exe

Age of Empires Online

In this approachable online real-time strategy game, you will create, command, and control your own constantly evolving empire as you gather forces to either conquer or cooperate with neighboring civilizations. Whether you're conquering enemy civilizations, teaming up with your neighbors to beat back the barbarian hordes, or building a thriving economy where your citizens live in the lap of luxury, you’ll be the guiding spirit in the evolution of an ancient civilization. http://www.ageofempiresonline.com/beta/

The Maple

■Microcontroller: STM32 F103RB ■Clock Speed: 72 MHz ■Operating Voltage: 3.3V ■Input Voltage (recommended): 3.0V-12V ■Digital I/O Pins: 39 ■Analog Input Pins: 16 ■Flash Memory: 128 KB ■SRAM: 20KB ■64 Channel nested vector interrupt handler (including external interrupt on GPIO’s) ■Integrated SPI/I2C and 7 Channels of Direct Memory Access (DMA) ■Supplies up to 800mA @ 3.3v ■Support for low power and sleep modes (<500uA) ■Dimensions: 2.05″x2.1″   http://leaflabs.com/devices/maple/


1. 蘋果 (574億美元):絲毫不受iPhone 4天線事件影響 2. 微軟 (566億美元):營利表現依然優於蘋果和Google 3. 可口可樂 (554億美元):去年一整年賣出124億箱飲料 4. IBM (430億美元):連續17年在美國擁有技術專利最多 5. Google (397億美元):2005年,Google品牌價值為87億美元,5年內成長超過350% 6. 麥當勞 (359億美元):總計在全球每天要服務6千萬名顧客 7. 奇異GE (337億美元):過去十年市值減少3,500億美元,品牌價值也相對下降 8. 萬寶路Marlboro (291億美元):美國市占率為42.8%,超過追隨在後的12家煙草品牌市占率總和 9. 英特爾Intel (286億美元):受益於企業市場需求強勁復甦,第二季收益創下42年來的歷史新高 10. 諾基亞NOKIA (274億美元):每年花費80億美元用於研究發展的手機巨頭資料來源   http://www.bnext.com.tw/article/view/cid/55/id/15699


Netduino is an open source electronics platform using the .NET Micro Framework. Featuring a 32-bit microcontroller and a rich development environment. Suitable for engineers and hobbyists alike. http://www.netduino.com/